
Donate to Make a Difference

Your donation has the power to transform lives and create a lasting impact on children in underprivileged communities. At the Sriniver Foundation, we are dedicated to providing access to education, healthcare, and essential resources to empower children and enable them to reach their full potential.

By donating to our cause, you become an invaluable partner in our mission. Your contribution will directly support initiatives such as scholarships, educational resources, healthcare access, and community development programs. Together, we can break down barriers, uplift communities, and create a brighter future for children in need.

Every donation counts, no matter the size. Your generosity can make a world of difference. Join us in empowering children and shaping a better tomorrow. Donate today and be the catalyst for change. Thank you for your support. 

If you would like to make a donation, please disable any web browser popup blockers so that our payment portal can open properly. PayPal will email you a donation receipt for tax reporting purposes.

Sriniver Foundation is a 501C3 Tax Exempt Organization and we will acknowledge your donation with a receipt for tax purpose.